Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cam Turns 2!

On May 19, 2010 our little blonde boy turned 2! We had a baseball themed party for him at a park after one of Jace's T-Ball games. Cameron is obsessed with balls and sports. He will randomly just name off sports. The funniest was when he was trying to poop and was a little constipated he was saying, "baseball, football, soccer game..." It was like he was thinking happy thoughts in a time of struggle :) So cute!! We got him a T-ball tee, mitt, and balls. He also really loves Meem (Lightning McQueen), so we got him a remote control McQueen for his GeoTrax. We had lots of family there to celebrate with us. The weather was perfect! We had baseball cupcakes, popcorn balls, and ice cream cones. We had just found out that he was no longer allergic to eggs so he was loving those cupcakes!

I can't blog about the party without mentioning what happened to Kaylee! Kaylee had a loose tooth and when she bit into her popcorn ball it popped right out and got stuck in her popcorn ball! Let's just say it surprised her and she wasn't too thrilled about it at first. This is technically the first time she's lost a tooth. She had her bottom teeth pulled by a dentist because her adult teeth popped up behind her baby teeth. So she was definitely not expecting this!

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