After looking over baby pictures of the other kids she really looks the most like Kaylee, a blonde version of Kaylee. So far she is as sweet as can be and we can't get enough of her.
The labor and delivery all went quickly and smoothly, if you don't count the hours of false labor I had from 1:00 am to about 10:00 am. We went back to the hospital at about 6:30, had my epidural within the first hour there, a little pitocin to speed things up, they checked me at 9:20 and felt a head and after a few pushes she was here! It really was a breeze. We're just so glad she's here and is healthy.
On Monday morning the kids came to meet their baby sister. They were all so excited to see her. Cameron was happy to see her, but was more interested in the hospital room and looking out the big window. Oh well.
It's funny how different boys and girls are. When Kaylee saw what was left of my belly she was surprised at how small it was. A week later she said that it's getting even smaller. What a sweetheart. Jace saw my stomach and said I was still fat. The next day he asked why I was still fat. Boys!